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Human Resources Committee

Committee members

Lorraine Mitchelmore George A. Cope Christine A. Edwards
Lorraine Mitchelmore
George A. Cope Christine A. Edwards
Stephen Dent Eric R. La Flèche David Harquail
Stephen Dent Eric R. La Flèche David Harquail

    The Human Resources Committee oversees human resources strategies, including compensation and talent management. As required by its Committee Mandate, members of this Committee have, or must acquire within a reasonable period of time following their appointment, a thorough understanding of issues relating to human resources and compensation, so they can fully contribute to achieving the Committee’s objectives. The Governance and Nominating Committee completed an annual review of the Committee’s membership in December 2018, and concluded the Committee has an appropriate level of expertise and experience related to risk management for financial institutions and compensation practices.

Report of the Human Resources Committee