Help Center

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Help with My Payment History

Bill payments

Bill payments, not including payments that have been future dated, are reflected in My Payment History as soon as the transaction is complete.

Please allow up to 5 business days for the payment to be posted to your payee account.

Future dated bill payments

There is a delay from when a future dated bill is paid to when it is displayed in My Payment History. This delay can be up to 2 business days and reflects the amount of time it takes for the payee to reconcile the payment.

Duplicate payments

If you have made a duplicate payment by accident, contact the company that the duplicate payment was made to and request that they credit the funds back to your account upon receipt.

We can also investigate a bill payment you have made through Online Banking by clicking on Payments & Transfers and selecting Investigate a Bill Payment from the menu on the left hand side. It can take up to 15 business days for the investigation to be completed.