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Help with Investment Objectives and Suitability Information

Investment objectives and suitability information

Your investment objectives define your personal wealth management strategy based on the amount of risk you are willing to take with your investments and the length of time you expect your money to be invested. These can change as you learn more about financial investments and as your life changes such as when you become a parent or your income increases.

How important is security of capital?

Investors whose primary objective is Security of Capital seek relative stability and preservation of capital. They often hold a high concentration of low-risk fixed-income or money market investments. These investors often desire minimal volatility and will typically accept lower returns as a trade-off for lower risk. In some, but not all instances they may only be investing their money for the short-term. The target account allocation for an investor with a primary security objective is at least 90% or higher in low risk security or income funds.

How important is income generation?

Investors whose primary objective is Income desire a steady and consistent income distribution from their investments, which may be taken in cash or re-invested. The distribution may include part income and part return of capital. These investors typically accept some volatility in exchange for a modest return, and have a medium or long term time horizon.

How important is a balanced portfolio?

Investors whose primary objective is balanced desire a portfolio which maintains a mix of both fixed-income and equity holdings to help avoid excessive fluctuation while providing the potential for moderate capital appreciation. These investors typically have medium to long term time horizons and are able to tolerate some fluctuations in their investment returns.

How important is growth?

Investors whose primary objective is Growth desire an account portfolio with a greater concentration of equity holdings that may fluctuate in value, but will provide the opportunity for higher long-term gains. Typically these investors are investing for the long term, and are prepared to accept a higher level of risk in order to maximize their return potential over the long run.

What is your Risk Tolerance?

Risk Tolerance is a gauge of a client’s willingness and ability to withstand both fluctuations in the value of their investments and volatility in their investment returns. Risk varies from one mutual fund to another. A client may be willing to assume some risk proportionate to their desire to obtain higher returns. Generally, a client’s risk tolerance will fall into one of the following categories:

Risk CategoryDescription
LowIf you are a client with a low risk tolerance, then you are risk adverse; willing to accept only a minimal amount of volatility in your account and willing to accept lower investment returns in order to preserve your investment capital.
Low to MediumIf you are a client with a low to medium risk tolerance, then you are willing to accept slightly more volatility, as compared to a client with a low risk tolerance, in return for the prospect of some increased growth.
MediumIf you are a client with a medium risk tolerance, then you are willing to accept some volatility in your account which may result in periodic declines in your investments as a trade off for potentially higher long-term growth.
Medium to HighIf you are a client with a medium to high risk tolerance, then you are willing to accept fluctuations in your investment returns and declines in your investments in exchange for the potential of even greater growth in your investments as compared to a client with a medium risk.
HighIf you are a client with a high risk tolerance, then your emphasis is on maximizing your growth potential and as such you are willing to accept large periodic declines in your investments in exchange for maximizing your potential returns.

What is your time horizon?

Your time horizon indicates the length of time that you are prepared or wish to hold your investment. It also relates to how far in the future your financial goals for your account are. If you are investing for a short-term goal, your time horizon will be much shorter than if the purpose of your account is to accumulate wealth for your retirement that is several years away.

It is your obligation to ensure that you keep your records with us up-to-date and that you promptly notify us if your personal circumstances change or if your stated investment objectives, risk tolerance or time horizon change for your account.